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Our Philosophy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 14 January 2006

Our philosophy

To be an artist means to be crazy, unexplainably passionate about what you are doing. This inner urge, that drives human progress, heartache and pain of disappointment, filling vulnerable in front of the unknown - all these symptoms fully qualify you to be a proud member of Our Dance Family. But what can be better, than to jump over your fears and feel free.
To say honestly, we still can not understand what we are so afraid of? What can go so badly wrong, that will cripple our lives or drastically influence our loved ones or even change the history of this planet? Sounds funny? Then think about this:  entering the hall of the next competition and feeling an extreme urge to find a toilet rather than looking forward to a new exiting day of dancing. Think of this: attempting your first natural turn, having a heated discussion with your partner about the overturned promenade position or when your right shoulder is blinking red from pain and you still try to keep it down no matter what.

So our first credo is: Free in Movement

Join us and set yourself free, experience attitude that will make you achieve your goals. However different all of us are, we want to get better and splash enough blood, sweat and tears on to the dance floor. We strongly believe in qualities of traditions and are happy that our students get the best of three cultures: Austrian, Russian and English. Musical and psychological degrees, top diplomas in dance technique and general knowledge of different languages and cultures create a unique package of knowledge that is essential for the development of a real artist.

So our second credo is: United in Quality

Join us and we will be proud to share our knowledge and experience to bring out the qualities that all of us possess.
Everybody has a feeling of belonging, will it be country, club, family or the place of your birth. We also have it, but being an international partnership we have learnt to cross the borders of countries and clubs with our imagination. We share and respect all traditions, but we are also

Proud to be Independent:

We do respect borders and authorities, but do not feel tied by them.
We create partnerships with free spirit to link together a chain of ideas and support.
We listen to the opinions of others, together we are strong.
And most importantly: your potential is our motivation.                                           We love people & what we do very much !

Last Updated ( Thursday, 02 February 2006 )
©Art of Dance